The Boondocks is an unproduced American adult animation sitcom created by Aaron McGruder based on his comic strip of the same name. Sony Pictures Animation intended for it to be the second television series based on the comic, following the 2005-2014 TV series that aired on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim programming block for four seasons. The show was supposed to premiere on HBO Max, but development never got underway. Here’s everything we know so far about “The Boondocks” reboot.
The Boondocks Season 5 Release Date
After HBO Max and Sony Pictures Animation both announced that “The Boondocks” would return, it has been a few seasons and a year, respectively, since those announcements. It appears that the COVID-19 outbreak has delayed the return of the series, though it is unclear whether this is because of production issues or a postponement. Maximum 55 episodes were produced over the course of four seasons, the last of which was produced without McGruder’s assistance, and the show ended on June 23, 2014.
The programme has also been distributed on DVD and other home media formats, and it has been broadcast on syndication outside of the United States. One of the first music websites,, hosted the first version of The Boondocks as a comic strip. Eventually, The Source magazine published the cartoon. Following these runs, McGruder started marketing The Boondocks as both an animated television series and a distributed comic strip. The Boondocks made its newspaper debut in April 1999, achieving the first objective first.
The Boondocks Season 5 Cast
Ten-year-old Huey Freeman, voiced by Regina King The family’s moral conscience and logical voice is Huey Freeman. He is a curious, sensible voracious reader who is knowledgeable about a variety of subjects. He has been greatly influenced by the ideologies of various left-wing social movements and social justice activists.
His brother and grandfather regularly make fun of him and treat him like a fool for holding beliefs and aspirations that are outside of what is considered normal in American culture. According to the article, he has been classified as a “domestic terrorist.” His open criticism of Urban Gangster Rap/Hip Hop as it is portrayed in the popular press for glorifying wasteful spending, destructive habits, and foolishness comes despite the fact that he supports a number of social causes.
Riley Freeman, Huey’s 8-year-old brother, is a rebellious and naughty fan of urban gangster rap and hip-hop. Riley, despite being attractive, intelligent, and artistically brilliant, continues to adhere to the self-destructive Gangster Rap beliefs. Riley dismisses Huey when he tries to explain to him the inevitable results of his bad choices in “The Fundraiser.”
The grandfather and legal representative of Huey and Riley is Robert Jebediah, voiced by John Witherspoon. He has his own moments; for instance, his avidly misdirected dating endeavours unintentionally attract weird or dangerous women. Despite loving his two grandsons, he occasionally explodes in rage at their roguish insights, relentless plans, and misfortunes.
What Kind of Story Will Be Told in This New Version of the Boondocks?
Riley, Huey, and Granddad relocate to the Woodcrest neighborhood when Granddad in the first season of “The Boondocks” is appointed as the boys’ legal guardian. They disagree with the rules that Uncle Ruckus and his neo-fascist communal government have imposed.
The anime and manga-inspired designs of the series are updated in this remake, but the plot appears to remain the same: Granddad and his children relocate to a Maryland suburb and attempt to live under Uncle Ruckus’ peculiar control. Imagine a similar tale that has been changed to reflect the kinds of contemporary occurrences that the earlier series foresaw.
“There’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revisit the world of ‘The Boondocks’ and remake it for today,” McGruder told Deadline in 2019. More than ten years after the first season of the television show and twenty years after the first newspaper comic, the author remarks, “It’s amazing how different our circumstances are now, both politically and culturally.” There is a lot to say, and it should be enjoyable.
Where to Watch
Watch the first four seasons of this animated series on Hulu, HBO Max, Sling TV, and YouTube TV if you’re interested in watching it.
On IMDB, this drama received an 8.5 out of 10 rating, while it had a 54% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
The Boondocks Season 5 Trailer
The Boondocks Season 5 trailer has not yet been made available by the creators. Typically, the trailer is released one month before the start of the series. Similarly, we can anticipate that the trailer will be made available soon after the official release date has been declared.