Who Is Jeff Pegues? What Is Wrong With Jeff Pegues Voice?

This article is about Jeff Pegues, who was born in the United States in 1970 in Washington, D.C. Jeffrey Pegues is a reporter for CBS News, an author, and the person in charge of the CBS News podcast America Changed Forever. This article will tell you what’s wrong with Jeff Pegues’s voice. So read on to find out what really happened with Jeff Pegues’ voice. Let’s find out.

Who Is Jeff Pegues?

Jeffrey Pegues is a Cbs News correspondent, author, and host of the Cbs News podcast America Changed Forever. Pegues lives in Washington, D.C., and reports for all CBS News platforms from there. In December 2021, Pegues was named Chief National Affairs and Justice Correspondent.

What Is Wrong With Jeff Pegues Voice?

Pegues, who is 51 years old, said that he has a voice disorder called spasmodic dysphonia, which causes the muscles of the larynx to twitch uncontrollably. The disorder, which is also called “shakey voice,” makes a person’s voice break and sound tight and strained.

During an interview on Instagram Live, Pegues said, “It’s like a second baseman in baseball who can’t throw to first.” “I lost my voice, and to be honest, I thought it was the end of my career.”

Pegues said, “When you talk, your vocal cords push together, which makes the sound.” “My vocal cords don’t come together, and neither do the vocal cords of other people with spasmodic dysphonia.”

“I think it started for me because I was very nervous at the time.” “I felt like my voice was getting worse a long time ago,” he said. “It got to the point where it took me about 20 minutes to look at a track.”

Pegues says that doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore told him there is no cure for the disease and that it is linked to something in the mind.

Pegues started working with specialists to find a solution to the strain on his voice, and he recently tried Botox as a possible treatment.

Straightforwardly, Botox was injected into his vocal lines to make them stronger and bring them closer together to make sound.

As a news reporter, Jeff Pegues got stuck with the spasmodic dysphonia illness and voice strain condition. Jeff Pegues ended up in a confusing situation when he was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia because he was nervous.

Jeff said that as a news reporter, he would have to deal with a lot of high-pressure situations, and his inability to control his dysphonia would make it hard for him to do his job.

He also said, “I’d try to avoid radio meetings. I just didn’t feel quiet. It was the time in my life when I did the least.”

Convulsive dysphonia is a problem with the voice that causes fits in the muscles of the voice box, or larynx.

This breaks the voice and makes it sound choked, tight, or stressed. Changeable dysphonia can make it hard to say a few words or impossible to say anything at all.

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