5 Tips on How to Grow Your Startup


The process of scaling a startup is challenging and complex. You have to make sure that your product has a market fit, understand the levers of growth, and discover the right business model for you. In this article, we’ll dive into these topics and more so that you can scale your startup successfully!

Tip #1: Make sure you have product/market fit before scaling

Make sure you have product/market fit before scaling.

Product/market fit is when a startup finally finds a market for its product. If you don’t have product/market fit, it’s not worth scaling your business because your customer base will be too small to produce enough revenue to sustain your company.

Tip #2: Understand your long-term growth levers

The second step to growth is understanding your long-term growth levers. What are the key drivers of growth? How do you identify them? And how can you measure them?

The most important thing to understand is that there are many types of growth and they don’t always go together—you can grow slowly and organically, or you can grow quickly by making acquisitions, entering new markets, etc…

Tip #3: Keep testing your strategy and stay flexible

To grow your startup, you need to keep testing your strategy and staying flexible.

If you’ve spent time developing a plan of attack for growing your startup, the next step is to test it. This isn’t just about seeing if things are working; it’s also about figuring out what works best in different contexts. The best way to do this is by using a split test, which means testing one part of your marketing strategy against another part, like two landing pages or two email campaigns—one designed A/B and one designed C/D (split). You can also use split tests when deciding on tools or features that may be useful for your business but aren’t necessarily essential right now. For example, when MailChimp released its social media management tool Bronto Social last year, we tested its effectiveness against other similar tools before committing ourselves to using it full-time.

The point here is that testing allows you flexibility in your approach and gives you more control over results than just hoping something will work out by itself because “it’s supposed to.”

Tip #4: Find a business model that works for you

Once you’ve figured out which industry you want to target and how you want to reach your customers, it’s time to figure out how you will make money. There are many different business models that could work for your startup. One important thing to keep in mind is the difference between lifestyle and profit-making businesses. If all you care about is making a living from your company, then go with the first option. But if your goal is significant growth over time with a chance at becoming an industry leader or disrupting an existing market (think Uber), then consider something more ambitious like a profit model.

The main advantage of lifestyle businesses is that they require less risk-taking than other models because there are fewer financial obligations associated with them; however, this also means that there won’t be as much growth potential for these types of companies since they don’t have investors who expect profits from their investments or companies that compete directly against one another in order get new customers (for example: Uber vs Lyft). On the other hand, profit-making businesses can become extremely lucrative if they succeed but will require more initial capital upfront because they need more infrastructure than lifestyle startups do before being able to generate revenue; luckily though once this hurdle has been cleared then profits start flowing freely into their coffers!

Tip #5: Have a genius plan before fundraising from VCs

In order to raise funds from venture capitalists, you will need a genius plan that shows how you plan to grow your startup. Your business model and customer base should be clearly outlined in an easy-to-follow manner. The investors need to know where you want to be in the future and how you intend to get there. You have to be able to demonstrate that your plan is achievable, otherwise, it won’t be taken seriously by anyone else either!


The takeaway for this article is that you should be thinking about what your customers want before you start.

If you’re unsure about what products or services to offer, take some time and list all the things that are important to people in their lives or business. Then ask yourself if those things could be better served by using your product or service. Most likely, they will be.

Don’t just stop there, though! If you can make a promise that makes someone’s life easier, happier, healthier and more productive, then do it!


The startup world is ever-changing and growing, so it’s important that you stay on top of the latest trends and adapt to them as they come. With these five tips, we hope that your business will have a brighter future ahead of itself!

Lisa has been covering Netflix since 2014, and has spent up to 10 years covering the comings and goings of the Streaming library. Currently resides in the United Kingdom. Outer Banks, Ozark, Black, and On My Block, and Stranger Things are among my favourite Netflix series.