Randy Jackson’s Weight Loss Story: From Being Diagnosed with Diabetes to Having Bypass Surgery | Losing 100 Pounds

randy jackson weight loss
randy jackson weight loss

Randy Jackson made some significant changes to his health after his weight reached 350 pounds during his tenure on American Idol, which led to a 114-pound weight loss. The American Idol singer revealed in a recent interview with People how he has successfully maintained his remarkable weight loss over the years since having gastric bypass surgery in 2003.

Regarding the operation, he added, “It’s a terrific jump starter.” You lose a lot of weight quickly, but keeping it off is harder because once you get there, your mind tells you, “Okay, phew. I have arrived. I can start the celebration and put the cheesecakes out.

Jackson claimed that initially, especially after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it wasn’t simple to keep the weight off. “Diet is a word I detest. I no longer use that. Anyone who has lost weight knows that once you stop eating and drinking as much, the weight starts to return. That’s when it first began to happen to me,” he claims. I thought, “No, I’m not going to go through this the rest of my life.

According to People, Randy informed the press that in the 19 years since receiving his type 2 diabetes diagnosis, his new routine has allowed him to lose (and keep off!) 114 pounds. But Randy claims that adopting healthier eating habits after getting gastric bypass surgery was difficult and that he actually put on weight as a result of the procedure.

Randy admitted to WebMD in 2008 that reorganizing his diet required a lot of effort on his part because it wasn’t always simple to eat healthily due to his life in music and television. Everyone hangs out, eats, and drinks after the show, he said. Along with a variety of sandwiches, there are also chips, cheeses, cookies, cakes, candies, beer, and wine. After his initial weight gain, Randy made an effort to completely alter the meals he regularly consumed.

“You practically have to have a full divorce split up… then go returning little by little, learn what works for your body, identify any allergies, and pay close attention to how you feel,” he told People in 2020.

HImansh is a freelance writer and editor specializing in Public Relations, Culture, Politics and the intersection between them. He's a St.Xavier's College Graduate who has a degree in Public Relations. He's currently based in Chandigarh, India Word from Himansh: “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.”